Benefits of massage therapy you probably weren’t aware of

Most of us know that an ideal massage results in less stress and muscle pain relief, but there are many other ways the body reacts to massage that are overlooked. Massage therapy rids the body of toxins, improves
depression and anxiety, and boosts athletic performance.  

Getting a massage stimulates circulation throughout the body, which means more toxins are released from the blood and muscles. Therefore, massage therapists strongly encourage drinking water after a massage
to flush the toxins. 

Massage has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with depression and anxiety by improving mood. This study shows how patient’s cortisol levels decreased following a massage. Additionally, saliva samples revealed an increase in dopamine—the brain’s “feel good” chemical. 

Athletes experience a boost in performance after massage therapy in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments. The reason for this is the loosening of muscle groups promotes an increased range of motion and enhances function.  

By isolating muscles and applying pressure to areas of tension, massage therapists guide the body to a better quality of living.