Three Signs Chiropractic Can Benefit Seniors

If you are already a patient at Preferred Chiropractic, you probably know that chiropractic is safe for all ages – including seniors. In fact, people over the age of 65 make up 14% of all chiropractic patients in practices around the US. As people age, the body starts to break down, so chiropractic is greatly needed. Musculoskeletal aches and pains are felt everywhere in the body, especially in the lower back. When seniors notice any of the following signs, chiropractic can help.

Loss of Mobility

Many seniors maintain their mobility and ability to walk until they hit the older age of 80 or above. Most 65-70 year-olds remain healthy enough to continue working or enjoying life as they please. If you are in your 60s-70s and find body aches or back pain are limiting your mobility, chiropractic care may be the solution. With a combination of spinal adjustments and massage techniques, our experienced chiropractors may be able to return you to your former level of mobility.

Frequent Falls

Whether it’s due to pain, immobility, or clumsiness, older adults tend to fall more frequently. If you were once able to walk without a fear of falling but now find yourself falling frequently, it’s time for a visit to your local Midland, MI chiropractor for an assessment. After a consultation, we will be able to address your issues and create a custom treatment plan for your unique needs. With some patients, an improvement in the way you walk and in your balance is felt in as little as one visit.

Severe Pain

Any time a person experiences severe pain is cause for concern, but especially so for senior citizens. At Preferred Chiropractic, our experienced chiropractors may be able to alleviate some of the pain you are experiencing. One of the most common musculoskeletal issues we see in older adults is achiness along the spine. Spinal adjustments can help relieve that tension and reduce pain. This treatment can be done with very little pressure, which is ideal for our older patients.

When senior citizens face losing their mobility, frequent falls, severe pain, or all of the above, it usually means a loss of independence. The chiropractors at Preferred Chiropractic can help reduce negative symptoms so falling happens less frequently, pain is relieved, and seniors can remain mobile and active. To learn more, click here to request an appointment.