Knee Pain and Chiropractic


Have you every experienced knee pain? If so, you know that even the most basic activity can feel nearly impossible. Whether you're bending down to pick up your bags from the store, climbing the stairs to your office, or just rolling out of bed, knee pain is a problem that has negative effects on your ability to accomplish your day-to-day activities. 


It might seem daunting to take on that knee pain. Do you reduce your activities, increase your pain meds, just try and live with the pain? Those don't sound like great options to us. How about chiropractic care? We treat patients seeking relief for a number of health issues, and knee pain is quite common. Instead of focusing on just relieving pain, we begin by addressing the underlying issues that are the cause of your knee pain (unless caused by an acute injury) and work toward alleviating pain through a combination of treatments and techniques.

There are typically several angles of approach when it comes to treating knee pain. We might use soft tissue massage to improve the knee's range of motion or ice therapy to reduce inflammation of the joint. Chiropractic manipulations in the areas of the knee and surrounding joints experiencing restricted movement is another option. Our experience and training combined with an appropriate treatment plan can reduce your knee pain while improving your range of motion and overall function.


If you are unsure if chiropractic care is the right form of treatment for your knee pain, ask yourself these three questions:

  • Are you currently taking pain medication?

  • Have you had to limit your activity levels?

  • Is your knee pain so severe that your ability to function normally is affected? .

If the answer was "yes" to any of these questions and your knee pain continues to bother you, it is time to schedule an appointment with us. Constant pain is not something you have to just accept and live with. We will address the knees issues you are experiencing and will also investigate if there are other ligament issues in your body that might actually the the true cause of your pain. Many people don't realize that lower back tightness or limited range of motion in the hips can put a great deal of stress on the knees, causing pain.

We are committed to identifying and treating the issues causing you discomfort to get you back on the path to living without pain!