Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric Chiro for Students

A question we get a lot at Preferred Chiropractic of Midland is whether chiropractic care is safe for children. And the answer to that question is an unequivocal, resounding yes. Pediatric chiro isn’t just safe—it can help improve overall health, increase focus in class, and provide a solution to several childhood issues. The benefits of pediatric chiropractic speak for themselves, and they can make a huge difference in your life and the life of your child. 

Chiropractic for Children

Your child’s health is one of the most important things in the world. You already know and enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care for yourself—have you considered how adjustments may also help your kid? Chiropractic for children is a great way to help keep your child healthy and may even reduce the symptoms of common childhood ailments. A trained pediatric chiropractor is just as committed to your child’s health and wellness as you are.

Is Pediatric Chiropractic Care Safe?

Chiropractic care is a safe, proven, and effective way to treat aches and pains, relieve stress, and enjoy a better quality of life. The perks of chiro care aren’t just there to be enjoyed by adults—pediatric chiropractic care provides several safe benefits for kids and parents alike. Chiropractic care for children is just as safe as it is for adults, seniors, and pregnant patients, and the results can be life-altering.

Kids Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care, Too!

As a parent, there is nothing harder than watching your child hurt when there is nothing you can do to help. Thankfully, if you have ever looked for help with pediatric pain management, the experienced professionals here at Preferred Chiropractic can help. We have several treatment options for both back pain in children, and neck pain as well. Both back and neck pain in children can be difficult to diagnose, but our team is experienced in helping children alleviate pain and feel better.

Take On Back To School!

The Back To School season is upon us, and that means trips to the store, heavy books and backpacks, and tons of preparation. It is certainly an exciting time, and education is wonderful for your kids, but the overloaded backpacks and bad posture can hurt them in the long run. Here are our tips to maintain healthy spines this school year.

Chiropractic Care for Kids

So the primary reason we see pediatric, little kids, babies, in our office is not just to help them get well, but most importantly to help them stay well. If you have kids, what better gift could you give them than the gift of health, where you know their brain’s functioning at 100 percent, where you know their body’s functioning at 100 percent. The better their body functions, the better they’re going to perform, whether that’s in school, whether that’s in life, whether that’s in a family.

Chiropractic: The Natural Treatment for Ear Infections

Chiropractic: The Natural Treatment for Ear Infections

The most common treatment for ear infections in the United States is antibiotics. On top of that narrative, children with recurring infections are often scheduled for surgery to implant tubes. No parent wants to add more pain to their already suffering child. Let’s explore why ear infections happen and how you can treat them naturally.

Back To School Tips!

As exciting as a new school year can be, it can also be stressful. Kids not only have to deal with first-day jitters, but their bodies are also put under added stress from the weight of their books and supplies. This often results in pain, either in the low back, shoulders, or even headaches. These factors can lead to poor health outcomes, and each of these stressors can negatively impact the nervous system. Here are our tips for keeping your child (and his or her spine) healthy as they go back to school.