Our Tips for a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays of the year. Not only is it focused on gratitude and time with family, but also football and food. As great as Thanksgiving is, it can also mean overindulgence, stress, and stomachaches. This year, the team at Preferred Chiropractic wants to help you enjoy a healthy and happy holiday. Here are our tips.

Don’t Fast Before Your Feast

Fasting before your big Thanksgiving meal can lead to overeating later on. Start your day with a healthy, well-rounded breakfast to prevent yourself from overindulging. As you prep your meal, avoid snacking on rich and fatty foods and opt for crunchy vegetables and healthy dips instead. A colorful vegetable platter is the perfect way to snack responsibly!

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is important for a healthy body and water also helps suppress the appetite. Being hydrated helps your body function properly, so you’ll be better able to tell if you’re truly hungry or just overeating. Instead of snacking on pumpkin pie as you prepare for the day, take some swigs of water and stay hydrated.

Take Your Time

Did you know it takes approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to communicate with your brain that you are full? When you take your time and pace yourself throughout your meal, you are not only better able to savor and enjoy your food, but you also give your body time to communicate. This helps prevent you from overeating, so you aren’t suffering from a stomach ache later!

Enjoy a Post-Turkey Stroll

Plopping down on the couch after a big meal might sound like a good idea, but going for a walk will serve your body much better. Walking will get your digestive system going and will help burn off some of the calories you’ve just taken in. Gather your guests together and enjoy a post-turkey stroll.

Visit Preferred Chiropractic

As enjoyable as the holidays are, they can also be hard on your health. Take advantage of the many benefits of chiropractic care and carve out a little “you” time this holiday season with an adjustment. Our experienced chiropractors will get your spine and body in alignment so you can enjoy a pain-free holiday season. To schedule an appointment, just click here!