Do You Suffer From Sciatic Pain?

Many patients suffering from low back pain come into our chiropractic practice complaining of sciatic issues. Sciatica is not as common as you might believe, however, those suffering from it will usually do just about anything to ease the pain. So, how do you know if you actually have sciatica?

People with sciatica experience:

·        Burning or tingling sensation down one or both legs

·        Pain in the leg or buttocks that worsens while sitting

·        Numbness or weakness of the feet or legs

·        Pain while sneezing, coughing, or moving

·        Shooting pain that makes standing difficult

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you may have sciatica. Here’s more information to help solve some common sciatica FAQs.


There are nerves that exit the spine in the lower back and from the two sciatic nerves. Sciatica is also sometimes called a slipped disc. A disc can’t actually slip, but it can herniate, bulge, or rupture which results in direct pressure on the nearby sciatic nerves.

So what’s the result? Intense pain, inflammation, and welling. Depending on where the sciatic nerve is impacted, the pain may radiate all the way to your toes!


Sciatic pain may not produce permanent nerve damage, but it can certainly put a damper on your day. As soon as you experience symptoms of sciatic pain, seek chiropractic care, Our chiropractic adjustments are a natural way to relieve sciatic pain and you also benefit from non-surgical spinal decompression. Both treatment options help restore the proper relationship between nerves, discs, and bones which will allow your body to restore itself naturally!

At Preferred Chiropractic, your health and wellness is our number one priority. Chiropractic care can help with a variety of health issues, sciatic pain included. If you are experiencing pain, click here to contact us and schedule an adjustment today.