Problems you didn’t know your chiropractor could treat

The cause of insomnia is often unknown, but each case is a little different. Essentially, back pain sufferers can expect a better night’s rest when pain isn’t present. Frequent adjustments result in decreased back pain, which in turn improves sleeping conditions.  

Chiropractic adjustments can alleviate chronic headaches and migraines by helping the neck return to its natural position. With regular adjustments, this process removes tension and pressure on the neck that causes headaches. 

The nervous system and immune system are directly connected by means of impulses sent back and forth. The nervous system controls the immune system by sending it messages. When there is a subluxation or pressure being applied to the spine, it decreases the functionality of the entire nervous system. Correcting subluxations is key to improving immune function. 

Common diagnoses of spine misalignments and associated pain are frequently dealt with in chiropractic, but what about the not-so-common diagnoses? To many people’s surprise, ailments like a weakened immune system, headaches, and insomnia can also be treated by chiropractors.