The connection between regular adjustments and decreased stress

In addition to regular care, your chiropractor may suggest environmental changes to implement based on your lifestyle and could even recommend a nutritional supplement based on possible level deficiencies.  

Regular adjustments and massage therapy are often the best treatment for this condition. A balanced spine allows for better communication throughout the body, making de-stress methods much stronger. A successful method of relieving stress is massage therapy.  

As most of us know, chronic stress can greatly exasperate existing conditions like muscle pain or anxiety. Stress can even create problems in the body if left untreated. Stress has the unique ability to disguise itself in different parts of the body; and it’s often that when sufferer’s notice those parts that they seek treatment.  

The body functions efficiently by receiving messages from the brain that travel through the spine. In general, adjustments help improve the relationship between the brain and body by allowing nerve impulses to travel back and forth more effectively. This relationship can be easily disrupted by misalignments in the spinal column. Sometimes these misalignments manifest as stiffness or pain, other times they cannot be felt at all.