Stop Overeating That Halloween Candy!

If you’ve ever been trick-or-treating, you know that feeling of sheer joy that comes when you upend your bag or bucket and spill out your candy haul on the table. Now that you’re older, you know that overindulging in Halloween candy can do more than give you a belly ache before bed. But if you struggle with sugar cravings, there are some steps you can take that will help you stop overeating

Fruit is Less Frightening

We crave sugar because it helps the brain release serotonin, which creates feelings of happiness. But all sugars are not created equal. You can get that rewarding response by indulging in fruit, which contains natural sugars. You’ll still be indulging your sugar cravings in a way if you opt for an apple rather than a king-size candy bar, and you’ll have the added benefit of getting essential nutrients. Or you could swap in any other healthier snack option like vegetables, nuts, or jerky. Halloween is a great time to establish healthy habits, especially with the holidays coming up so soon. 

Scare Up Some Exercise

When sugar cravings hit, put on your best walking shoes and take a stroll. Light exercise and activity have been shown to help boost blood sugar levels in the brain, which cuts down on the desire to eat something sweet. This creates a two-fold benefit if your sweet tooth acts up while you work. You should already be getting up and moving around every 30 minutes to an hour, so replacing sugary snacks with a light jog or some body-weight exercise keeps you consistent with good habits in the workplace. 

Trick-or-Treat Yourself

Sometimes, controlling a craving doesn’t have to mean cutting something out of your life entirely. In fact, if you occasionally treat yourself to something like a piece or two of your favorite Halloween candy, it helps you establish a healthier relationship with eating. You can stop overeating and start leading a healthier lifestyle but still enjoy the occasional indulgence—moderation is key in everything, and sugar intake is no exception. 

Visit Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

Cutting down your sugar cravings is one big step in establishing better wellness. Preferred Chiropractic of Midland can help you get even further in your journey with services like spinal decompression and massage therapy. If you’d like to learn more, we offer Lunch & Learns that can help answer your questions and get you started on the right foot. And if you’re ready to receive chiropractic care in Midland, MI, call our offices at (989) 837-5998 and we may be able to schedule you for an appointment the same day.