Our Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is here and as challenging as this year has been, there is still much to be thankful for. Now is a time for reflection and appreciation for all that we have in our lives. The holiday is also a day spent centered on eating a lot of food and sitting around watching a lot of football! Many of us find ourselves eating a few too many helpings of sweet potato casserole and end up hitting the couch for a nap. If that sounds familiar and your Thanksgiving routine leaves you feeling groggy and tired, there are a few small changes you can make for a healthier holiday. Here are our tips. 

Don’t Fast Before Your Feast

Many people assume that if you have a big meal planned for the afternoon or evening, you should skip breakfast. But studies show that breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. It may seem silly to eat a large breakfast when you have a huge dinner planned, but a balanced breakfast will help you keep portions smaller come dinner time. You can still enjoy a healthy breakfast and keep things like – try a veggie omelet or fruit and Greek yogurt to get your day started off strong. 

Avoid the Table-to-Couch Shuffle

Instead of seemingly rolling yourself straight from the dinner table to the couch, get your group together and go for a walk after you eat. Just a short walk around the block will help you feel better both physically and mentally and can boost your energy. 

Make Some Healthy Swaps

Many of our favorite Thanksgiving dishes aren’t exactly healthy. If totally indulging doesn’t leave you feeling your best. A few small substitutions can make for a healthier plate. Mashed cauliflower is basically the new mashed potato and still tastes great. When making stuffing, opt for whole-grain bread instead of white for a more balanced dish. And that green bean casserole you love so much? Use low sodium cream of mushroom soup or make your own with flour, low-fat milk, and mushrooms.

Thanksgiving is often a day for stuffing ourselves silly, and there’s nothing wrong with that every now and then! But if it makes you feel better (physically and mentally) to aim for a healthier holiday, follow these tips. For more suggestions on how to stay healthy during the holidays, just ask during your adjustment. Click here to get started and request an appointment with your local Midland, MI chiropractor!