Chiropractic for Swimmers


Is your swimming routine giving you pain? Shoulder pain when swimming is very common for more experienced swimmers. Along with neck, back, and knee pain, shoulder issues are some of the most widely experienced pains for water athletes. This is because although water offers resistance, the freedom and large range of movement for your body offers some potential for overexertion, overuse, and stress injuries. Here are some of the most common pains and injuries that swimmers experience and how chiropractic can help. 

Common Swimming Pains

Shoulders: Your shoulders and legs take the brunt of the pain when you swim. Often, this will result in swimmer’s shoulder, which is shoulder pain when swimming. The joints that hold your bones together will often shift with overuse, and this will result in pain and aches while doing that movement. Most times, this will happen while you’re in the water. 

Knees: Your knees will sometimes get pain while you swim, especially in breaststrokers. This commonly gets called the breaststroker's knee. It refers to the overextension and overuse of the ligaments and muscles in the knee while in the water. 

Neck: Have you ever thought of how your body moves in the water? Oftentimes while we swim, our necks rotate, letting us get air as we power forward. Injuries can happen to your neck from that repetitive motion, especially if you favor one side over the other. This will end up with muscle imbalances, and pain — even outside of the water. 

Midland Chiropractic Care for Swimmers

Regardless of the type of swimmer you are, chiropractic treatment can help you. Our methods help you by aligning your spine and the muscles inside of your body. Oftentimes, you’ll find relief in the first session. Muscle imbalances can be fixed through our massaging practices, while joint pain and overuse injuries can be helped with special pressures and adjustments in the spine. The right spinal alignment will result in rapid and lasting relief. 

To find out more about how we can help you, contact us today. Preferred Chiropractic is located in the heart of Midland and treats patients of all ages and phases of life. Call us today to discover how we can help find your lasting support.