prevent sports injuries

Chiropractic for Tennis Elbow

Do you suffer from radiating pain in your elbow and forearm? That pain may be the result of tennis elbow, a condition you can suffer even if you don’t play tennis. Fortunately, you have options when it comes to tennis elbow pain relief, and chiropractic care is one of your best bets. 

Sports Massage for Fishing

Fishing is one of the most relaxing summer pastimes there is, but that doesn’t mean it can’t leave you in pain. Casting your line out into the cool, blue water can leave you with rotator cuff pain and limit range of motion in your shoulder. Sports massage can help you get back to 100% in time for your next fishing trip so that you can get while the getting’s good. 

Runners Listen Up!

Running is a high-impact movement. Meaning, there is high risk for injury if proper form isn’t maintained. If you can’t get enough runner’s endorphins and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon, it’s important to
do it the right way avoiding muscle strain.  

Believe it or not, footwear matters. All runners have diverse running styles and gaits, and shoes should accompany those. Having your gait analyzed by your chiropractor is a great place to start. From there, a
shoe can be matched to your gait style that accommodates where you need the
most padding and support.  

Basic warm-up and cool-down components to start and end a run also reduce risk of injury. A warm-up could be as simple as a brisk, 10-minute walk or jog to get the leg muscles ready for a higher pace. A cool
down can be the exact same movements. Cooling down allows the blood pressure to
gradually lower itself. 

Listen to your body. Sometimes it’s healthy to push limits, but there is a fine line in running, and sports in general. If at any point there is discomfort, especially in the lower body, return to a slower walking
pace. Do not try to push through the pain, as this could lead to muscle strain
or tearing.  

Lastly, a solid post-workout stretching routine is crucial for longevity. Athletes still get running injuries even when frequently stretching, but it reduces the risk dramatically. The hamstring and calf muscles on the back of the legs should be the focus of the routine, but hip and quad stretches should be added in as well. Breathe in and out steadily. 

Hit the Hiking Trails Without Pain!

October is in full swing, and so it is time to take on all the fun Fall activities. What better way to fully immerse yourself in the season (and foliage!) than with a nice, long hike? Hiking is the perfect combination of enjoying the great outdoors while improving your health. Here are our tips for enjoying a pain-free hike for your health!

Be The MVP With Chiropractic Care

Football season has officially started, and athletes are always looking to take their performance to the next level. No matter what level you’re playing at, your competition is always getting stronger, faster, and bigger, which means you have to work toward improvement in order to keep up. One way athletes can improve their athletic performance is through chiropractic care.

Sport Injuries

The main reasons athletes suffer sports injuries include forceful impacts, repetitive motions, over-training, and failure to warm up properly. Chiropractors can help athletes by relieving their pain and helping them heal faster after an injury. Regular visits will promote quicker recovery after games and training as well as better balance and overall performance.