Chiropractic for Tennis Elbow

Do you suffer from radiating pain in your elbow and forearm? That pain may be the result of tennis elbow, a condition you can suffer even if you don’t play tennis. Fortunately, you have options when it comes to tennis elbow pain relief, and chiropractic care is one of your best bets. 

Chiropractic for Tennis Elbow Pain Relief

Contrary to what the name may suggest, you don’t have to play tennis to suffer from tennis elbow. While this affliction—otherwise known as lateral epicondylitis—is common among tennis players, it’s also frequently observed in people who have jobs or hobbies that involve the repetitive use of the elbow, forearm, and wrist. This might include plumbing, playing instruments, and using hand tools. 

The most common symptom of tennis elbow is a sharp, radiating pain that runs along the outside of your elbow and forearm. It can also spread down into the wrist, which makes it difficult to maintain a firm grip.

If you have tennis elbow pain, you can get relief through rest, applying ice to the affected area, or performing exercises to strengthen the muscles. But in severe cases, you’ll want to turn to experts who can help the pain go away and stay gone. That’s why chiropractic care is a great avenue for tennis elbow pain relief. 

When you visit Preferred Chiropractic of Midland seeking tennis elbow pain relief, we’ll work to diagnose and treat your condition in the most effective manner possible. Focused adjustments can help reduce inflammation and foster the healing of damaged tissue, which lowers pain levels and can even prevent recurrences. Over time, chiropractic treatment will help restore full function and get you to the phase where you’re maintaining optimal wellness

Try Chiropractic for Tennis Elbow Pain in Midland, MI

If you’re suffering from tennis elbow or injuries from golfing, running, or other sports, chiropractic care can provide pain relief to get you back in the game—whatever your game of choice may be. To experience the restorative benefits of chiropractic, schedule your appointment with Preferred Chiropractic of Midland in Midland, MI, or call us at (989) 837-5998