The Three Phases of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a handy tool to have if your goals for 2023 include pain relief, injury prevention, stress management, or just feeling more relaxed. There’s no shortage of reasons to see a chiropractor in the new year, but there are three you’ll definitely want to consider: the phases of chiropractic care

The 3 Phases of Chiropractic Care

Phase 1: Relief 

If you suffer from pain on a regular basis, it can be difficult to engage with the world around you. But chiropractic care makes it easier to be present and get back to doing what you love. Pain relief is one of the best reasons to see a chiropractor. 

Just as you’d see a dentist to deal with pain from a toothache, it’s important to visit your chiropractor when you’re dealing with issues like neck and back pain and even chronic headaches. One adjustment can make pain melt away, and repeat visits may even have you forgetting there was ever a problem at all. 

Phase 2: Corrective 

Making pain disappear is only part of what a chiropractic adjustment does. The objective is to make sure that pain doesn’t come back, and that’s where the corrective and restorative phase comes in. Regular chiropractic care helps restore regular function in the body and takes care of issues like subluxations, which can cause pain and discomfort. 

This is also the phase in which you can take more steps to aid your body in the rebuilding process—exercising and stretching are great ways to maximize the benefits of chiropractic care

Phase 3: Wellness 

Of the three phases of chiropractic care, wellness is the ultimate destination. This is where regular visits to your chiropractor ensure continued health and wellness. With pain dealt with and issues corrected, you can use regular adjustments for injury prevention and stress relief, helping you continue to feel better and make the most out of your day-to-day. 

Experience the Phases of Chiropractic Care in Midland, MI 

If you’re looking for reasons to see a chiropractor in 2023, let Preferred Chiropractic of Midland show you the way. Call (989) 837-5998 or schedule an appointment online and we’ll help set you on a path to feeling better and living life to the fullest.