Set Realistic Goals After the Holidays

The holidays have come and gone, and it’s time to return to some semblance of normalcy. It can be hard to get back into a regular rhythm after the holidays, but it helps if you identify good habits to start in the new year. And if you set realistic goals, you’ll have an easier time making them stick all throughout 2023 and beyond. 

Ways to Set Realistic Goals for 2023

Exercise a Little Bit Every Day

Fitness is about sustained consistency, and that means making exercise a habit even when it’s hard to find the time. It’s not always realistic to get out to the gym, so on those days when you can’t, try to do some sort of physical activity for at least 15-30 minutes. It can be whatever you like: a short walk around the neighborhood, some push-ups and sit-ups in the living room, or riding on the recumbent bike in your bedroom. If it keeps you active, it’s working toward your fitness goals. And don’t forget to supplement your fitness routine with other good habits like eating better and drinking more water

Help Yourself to a Good Night’s Sleep

If it were so easy to always get eight hours of sleep a night, we’d never get anything less. But the world can catch up with us and make it harder to take the rest that we need and deserve, especially after the holidays. Getting better sleep begins with knowing good habits to start before bed, including reducing or eliminating screen time and knowing the cutoff for eating and drinking. You may also want to consider investing in better pillows, a new mattress, or handy gadgets like a wake-up light or white noise machine. 

Take Everything One Day at a Time

In case you hadn’t noticed, time is not typically on your side even when you’re setting the most realistic goals. And that’s okay—life is something we have to take a day at a time. If you set a goal to do something every day but fall short, don’t let it break your stride. Be kind to yourself even when you fall short of your ambitions, and trust that you’ll be able to recover and keep going. 

Start Good Habits in the New Year with Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

If you’re looking for good habits to start in the new year, regular chiropractic care and massage therapy are excellent choices. Call (989) 837-5998 or schedule your visit online—we even offer same-day appointments.