How to Kick Sugar Cravings This New Year

Who doesn’t love a nice piece of cake or a handful of candy? We love sugary foods because they manipulate our brain chemistry, sending us pleasure signals that make us want more. So reducing your sugar intake and adopting healthier eating habits is very much mind over matter. By following some helpful tips for how to kick sugar cravings in 2023, you’ll find yourself feeling better in so many ways. 

How to Kick Sugar Cravings in the New Year

Don’t Cut It Out Completely

Some people can drop overindulging on sweets and other bad habits like smoking cold turkey. If you’re not among those fortunate few, your best option is to wean yourself off slowly until you no longer feel compelled to reach for something you shouldn’t. 

But making sugary snacks seem forbidden can also put them on a pedestal, which may even lead to you desiring them more. If you’ve freed yourself from cravings and feel confident, treat yourself every so often to a cheat snack. As long as you surround it with healthier eating habits and remind yourself that it’s a treat, you can create a better sense of balance. 

Substitute Natural Sweets

If you’re reducing your sugar intake, fruit can be one of your best allies. Fruit contains natural sugars that will satisfy your sweet tooth and give you a natural energy boost. But they’re also packed with nutrients that help you fulfill your goal of a healthy, balanced diet. 

If you have an affinity for chocolate, it may surprise you to learn that dark chocolate actually carries some notable health benefits. Dark chocolate is rich in fiber, flavonols, and antioxidants, which can have further-reaching health benefits. As long as you eat in moderation, dark chocolate can help you reduce sugar cravings without having to totally give up sweets. 

Balance Your Eating Routine

People tend to turn to eating for comfort when they’re bored or stressed, and that often leads to picking up sugary sweets and snacks. If you’re not sure how to kick sugar cravings, try regulating your eating schedule a bit more. Eating at the same time regularly helps prevent feelings of hunger, which reduces the desire to snack compulsively. Sticking to a regular schedule for eating is one of the healthier eating habits you can adopt because it creates routine. 

Another helpful tip for how to kick sugar cravings: drink more water. Proper hydration tends to curb feelings of hunger, so increasing water intake can help you reduce sugar intake. Plus, it’s a must if you want to feel less fatigued and have better energy throughout the day.

Start Healthier Habits Now with Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

Not sure how to kick sugar cravings? Preferred Chiropractic of Midland is here to help. Call (989) 837-5998 or schedule an appointment at our offices in Midland, MI. We’ll put you on to services and products that can help you on your wellness journey and give you tips to help you achieve your goals.