Healthy Eating Habits for the Holidays

Believe it or not, the holidays are just ahead on the horizon. With extravagant meals (and desserts) to look forward to—not to mention leftover Halloween candy—there’s no time like now to establish healthy eating habits. This can allow you to truly enjoy holiday eating and snacking without hurting your weight management goals

Count Your Calories

The simplest path to effective weight management is making sure that you don’t eat more calories than your body needs. Your body requires a certain amount of calories every day, which varies based on things like your age, weight, and level of fitness. When you eat more calories than necessary and do so on a regular basis, your body gains weight. You can calculate intake using an online calorie calculator or by using a fitness tracker. 

Be Aware of Your Nutrition Needs

A balanced diet means that your body is getting the right amount of protein, healthy fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and nutrients. If you focus on balancing your diet ahead of holiday eating, you’ll get a better sense of how to build your plate in a way that nourishes you without throwing your healthy eating plan out of whack. You can also track macronutrients using a fitness app and fill gaps with whole food supplements and multivitamins if needed. 

Practice Portion Control

Portion control aligns with monitoring calories and nutrients by putting the right amount of food on the plate. You can easily control portions with a food scale, allowing you to know exactly how much you’re eating during your meals. Other ways to manage your portions include the plate method, in which you divide your plate so that it’s half vegetables, one-quarter carbohydrates, and one-quarter protein-rich foods.

Achieve Better Wellness with Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

Establishing healthy eating habits can help you keep your weight management goals on track and avoid bad habits that come with holiday eating. Chiropractic care and massage are also critical tools for establishing better wellness. Preferred Chiropractic of Midland can help get you started on better lifestyle habits. Visit our office in Midland, MI, and we’ll get started together.