Don't Forget to Drink Enough Water!

You’re well on your way with your resolutions for 2023, but you might be forgetting something. Exercising more, eating better, taking time for self-care—it’s all essential. But one of the most important things our bodies need is water. And if you don’t drink enough water every day, you could be hurting your progress with your health goals. 

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

When you don’t drink enough water, your body gets dehydrated. That creates problems like fatigue, headaches, and lightheadedness—all of which can take you out of the game on what should be a productive day. Staying hydrated doesn’t just keep these symptoms and other associated health problems at bay. It also carries several health benefits like helping cellular function, regulating your body temperature, and aiding better digestive health.

Staying hydrated also has a big impact on performance—both at the office and at the gym. When you drink enough water, you have more energy and focus, which can be helpful when you need to make the most of your 9-to-5. That also translates to better results in the gym, which staying hydrated also helps by promoting better joint and cartilage health. If you drink enough water, you’ll have better mobility and flexibility, which helps you avoid injuries. 

How Much Water to Drink in a Day 

Understanding the importance of staying hydrated may leave you wondering how much water to drink in a day. The well-known recommendation is eight glasses of water every day, and that’s certainly not a bad goal to shoot for. If you can manage eight glasses of water each day and feel good, there’s no reason not to keep it up. 

But every body is built differently, and that means everyone has different needs when it comes to hydration. A recent study found that energy expenditure can cause a wide variance in how much water to drink in a day for optimal health. For example, if you’re doing high-intensity cardio or heavy weightlifting, you’ll need more water than someone who’s sedentary. 

To figure out how much water to drink in a day, start by drinking around six to eight glasses a day and adjust as you see fit. Drinking a bit more water than your body needs won’t likely cause any issues, so don’t hesitate if you’ve gotten your eight glasses of water in for the day but still feel thirsty. 

Focus on Better Health with Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

Making sure you drink enough water each day is a key part of better wellness. So, too, is regular chiropractic care, which promotes better spinal health and restores body function. Schedule an appointment at Preferred Chiropractic of Midland in Midland, MI, and we’ll work with you to get you on a wellness plan that works.