Get a Mother's Day Massage

Moms, it’s almost your day of the year. Why not treat yourself to a relaxing, rejuvenating Mother’s Day massage? Different types of treatment like deep tissue massage can help relieve stress, eliminate pain, and just flat-out make you feel better

Treat Yourself to a Mother’s Day Massage

Right off the bat, it’s important to dispel the notion that massage is frivolous or inessential for your overall health. Regular massage therapy can be an integral part of your wellness routine, helping you recover from injuries, keep pain at bay, and relieve stress before it can build up. Just because it feels nice doesn’t mean it doesn’t also offer great benefits that are important to maintaining overall wellness. 

But even if you just want to try a Mother’s Day massage to feel pampered, that’s okay! You deserve to experience the peace of mind that comes over you during and after a massage. Feeling at ease is a key part of managing holistic health—the less anxious you feel, the less tension you’ll carry in your muscles. Pampering yourself every now and then is part of practicing self-love, so don’t feel like you have to justify getting a massage if it will make you feel good. 

Try Deep Tissue Massage for Relaxation

Preferred Chiropractic of Midland offers several different types of massage therapy, including passive stretching, trigger point therapy, sports massage, and post-surgical massage. If you’d like to book a Mother’s Day massage to deal with lingering pain or frequent headaches, deep tissue massage may be worth trying. Our therapeutic masseuse will apply pressure to specific points in your muscles to relieve stress and tension This helps the muscle to relax and reduces feelings of pain and discomfort. 

Deep tissue massage offers many great benefits that you’d expect from massage, including better range of motion and faster recovery from injuries. It’s also shown to reduce the number and severity of headaches, which can help you get back to being the best mom you can be. 

Relieve Stress with Massage at Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

A Mother’s Day massage is a great way to treat yourself to some TLC, but we’d recommend making deep tissue massage or another type of treatment part of your regular self-care routine. Preferred Chiropractic of Midland is proud to have four full-time massage therapists available every Monday-Friday during regular office hours. Call us today at (989) 837-5998 to learn more about how we can help you relieve stress, feel good, and enjoy more of your free time.