Why We Love Massage Therapy

A massage isn’t just a great way to treat yourself to some well-deserved pampering. When you receive regular massage therapy, you’ll experience benefits that carry over into your daily life and other areas of your overall health and well-being. Whether your aim is to feel more relaxed, be more active, or ensure you have a healthy immune system during cold season, massage therapy can be a big help. 

What We Love About Massage Therapy 

Different Styles for Different Needs 

Massage therapy consists of several different approaches and techniques, all tailored for distinct purposes and patients. Deep tissue and trigger point massage are great for recovering from injuries. Myofascial release can help you manage chronic pain. And there are even styles of massage specifically for athletes and people who are pregnant. No matter your specific needs, your chiropractic massage therapist can recommend a type of massage that can address them. 

The Far-Reaching Benefits of Massage

Despite the diverse range of massage therapy modalities, all kinds of massage have some commonalities. Namely, a massage leaves you feeling more relaxed because it relieves tension and stress—both in the body and emotionally. Physical manipulation by a trained massage therapist can also reduce muscle soreness and increase circulation, which promotes a healthy immune system to help you power through cold season

Massage and Chiropractic Care Go Together

Better yet, you can capitalize even further on all the great benefits of massage therapy by pairing it with regular chiropractic adjustments. Preferred Chiropractic of Midland has four full-time massage therapists, and each is expertly equipped to create a unique plan that addresses your needs and works in lockstep with the three phases of chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy are both major components of building better health, and you can experience the best of both worlds in Midland, MI. 

Schedule Your Next Massage at Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

For all the incredible benefits of massage therapy, the fact that it just makes you feel more relaxed is enough alone to give it a shot. Schedule a massage appointment at Preferred Chiropractic of Midland and feel the difference even one good massage can make.