The Benefits of Massage and Chiropractic


At Preferred Chiropractic, we often combine chiropractic care and massage therapy to maximize the benefits our patients receive. When developing your unique treatment plan, we will decide what options are best for you based upon your diagnosis and symptoms. We've put together some information about how and why we combine massage therapy and chiropractic care and the benefits of combining the two.

What Is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy, also called therapeutic massage, is a type of treatment for ailments of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. We offer massage therapy for patients suffering from neck, back, and shoulder pain. Therapeutic massage is also great for treating migraines and headaches. During a massage therapy session, different pressure levels will be placed upon your ligaments, tendons, and muscles to reduce stress and tension and provide pain relief. 

What Is Chiropractic Care?

There are a variety of alternative medicine treatments that make up chiropractic care. These treatments address issues of the skeletal system, nervous system, and muscle.  Chiropractic treatments can include spinal manipulations, physical therapy, reflexology, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression therapy, nutrition counseling, lifestyle counseling, and — you guessed it — therapeutic massage! Chiropractic care is a type of alternative medicine and is an effective and safe way to relieve and manage pain without the risks of prescription medication or surgery.

The Benefit of Combining Massage and Chiropractic Care

Therapeutic massage is regularly combined with other forms of chiropractic care to give the patient the greatest opportunity to make the most of the benefits of chiropractic. We might recommend an adjustment in combination with therapeutic massage to treat low back pain. If you are suffering from a herniated disc, spinal decompression therapy may be combined with therapeutic massage to realign your spinal column and relieve pain. We are committed to providing you with the best service possible to get you on the path to true health! 

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care and massage therapy or are ready to start your journey to living pain-free, click here to request an appointment with your local Midland, MI chiropractor.