Chiropractic Care for Natural Allergy Relief


Spring is here but allergy season is upon us. As enjoyable as the season is, for many people it means itchy eyes, sneezing, and runny noses. Allergy sufferers are more likely to grab a handful of tissues than they are to stop and smell the flowers which makes it an unpleasant time of year. If you suffer from allergies, chiropractic may be able to help you find natural relief. Here’s what you need to know.

Allergy Causes

Your immune system has the important job of recognizing and removing harmful substances from your body. Sneezing, coughing, inflammation, and vomiting are all methods of ridding dangerous substances from your body. However, an allergic reaction is when your immune system is activated to fight a substance that would normally be considered harmless. The allergic reaction is essentially caused not by the actual substance but by how your body interprets that substance.

Allergic Reactions

At the start of an allergic reaction, the body activates immune cells called mast cells. The mast cells hold receptors on the surface of their membranes that recognize the substance as either harmful or helpful. When the body detects adverse substances, the mast cells then release histamines. Histamines are chemicals that sensitize your body to react, which then work to rid the harmful substances by coughing, sneezing, etc.

How Can Chiropractic Help with Allergies?

Chiropractic care helps improve the health of the central nervous system, which is the control center for all systems of the body, including the immune system. Both the respiratory system and the immune system depend on good communication between the brain and spinal cord to coordinate and control their functions. If that communication is interrupted due to a misalignment, the immune system may become compromised.

When the immune system functions optimally, it helps prevent disease and infection while also managing stress to make the body healthier overall. It also blocks the invasion of foreign substances like dust, pollen, and pollution and rids them from the body before they can do damage.

If misalignments are present, communication is disrupted and can prevent the immune system and respiratory systems from functioning at their best, allowing for allergens to make their way into the body and wreak havoc. When in proper alignment, communication pathways between the brain and spine are clear and open, meaning better functioning body systems.

Get Adjusted at Your Local Midland, MI Chiropractor

At Preferred Chiropractic, we are committed to helping our patients feel their best, and that includes allergy sufferers. If you would like to enjoy a beautiful spring season without suffering from allergy symptoms, give chiropractic a try. Just click here to contact us and get started!