Spring Allergy Season Tips

The weather is warming up and you’ve got plenty of motivation to go outside and soak up that sunshine. But your motivation may lack a bit if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Spring allergy season can be a real drag on your plans for outdoor fun, but using chiropractic treatment for allergies is one way to keep your sneezes and sniffles in check. 

Spring Allergy Season Tips

Be Smart About Your Time Outdoors

If you have a hard time during spring allergy season, your best bet for getting past the worst of it is to be cognizant of how much time you spend outdoors and when. Use your phone’s weather app to check the pollen count on a day you plan to spend some time in the sun. If the numbers are high, you may want to limit time outdoors if not make other plans altogether. And if you do decide to take a risk, consider bringing sunglasses to shield your eyes and a mask to protect your airways. 

Keep Things Clean

Pollen and other allergens will cling to your clothes, which means your allergies may continue to flare up even after you’ve retreated indoors. To prevent this, you should change clothes soon after you’re done being outside. As far as showering goes, doing it later in the evening will help keep you and your bed clean so that you can sleep more restfully. Even still, whether you sleep with the windows open or not, you may also want to change your bedsheets more frequently during spring allergy season than you would normally. 

Try Chiropractic Treatment for Allergies 

You know that chiropractic adjustments are excellent for natural pain relief, stress reduction, improving balance and posture, and getting natural energy. But if you haven’t considered chiropractic treatment for allergies, you should. Because an adjustment can help restore functionality in your nervous system, which positively impacts function in your immune system, getting adjusted helps your body regulate its response to allergens. When your immune system is working properly, it can better control cortisol and histamine levels, potentially reducing allergy symptoms.

Consider Chiropractic Treatment for Allergies in Midland, MI

Spring allergy season can take you off your game, but Preferred Chiropractic of Midland can help get you ready to enjoy more of that beautiful, beautiful weather. Schedule an appointment or call us at (989) 837-5998 to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic treatment for allergies, pain relief, and more.