natural pain relief

Chiropractic for Natural Pain Relief!

You don’t have to live with pain, and you don’t have to rely on medication that can create more health problems. Chiropractic care is an effective kind of natural pain relief that doesn’t risk the harmful side effects of painkillers. If you’re struggling with pain, your local chiropractor has a pain medication alternative that can help.

Take on Teaching with Chiropractic

Back to school season is officially here this year looks different from the rest. Parents and students are feeling the pressure, but what about teachers? The chiropractors at Preferred Chiropractic can help teachers stay healthy and pain-free all year long. Here’s what you need to know.

Have You Experienced the Benefits of Chiropractic Care?

When you experience pain, it is usually a side effect of an underlying issue. At Preferred Chiropractic of Midland, our chiropractors use their years of education and experience to determine the root cause of the problem. This will relieve your pain, increase mobility, and help you enjoy an optimally functioning body.

Traveling with back pain!

Sitting for long periods of time in uncomfortable positions
is the price we pay to see new places, but it doesn’t have to aggravate severe
back pain. If you’re traveling this season, plan to get in to see your
chiropractor before taking off. Use chiropractic care as a preventative

As another preventative aid, pack light to eliminate
unnecessary back strain when carrying luggage. When lifting heavy objects, it’s
always crucial to do so with the proper form making sure to keep a straight back.
Incorrect form even once or twice could trigger severe discomfort.  

On route to the destination while in the sitting position,
maintain good posture by sitting up tall with your weight evenly distributed on
your seat while slightly pulling your shoulders back. Neck and low back support
pillows are essential to maintaining proper posture while resting for low back
pain relief.  

Whichever mode of travel is used, sitting breaks can be
implemented. It’s easier to get out of the car and stretch your legs but
walking around a plane is also an option. Standing up to stretch and move the
body will loosen the muscles and alleviate back pain.  

Back pain medications don’t have to be the only way to find relief. Chronic back
pain relief could be as simple as planning ahead and traveling prepared





Foot Pain ?

If you have been regularly dealing with pain in one or both of your feet, obtaining proper foot pain treatment is necessary to find relief. Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition that may be to blame for frequent pain in the feet. Contacting Preferred Chiropractic of Midland is an option available to relieve symptoms. Here is some information about Plantar Fasciitis to read over so you understand this condition and how a chiropractor can help treat it effectively

Have Your Best Year Yet!

The New Year is an exciting time of year. We take the time to reflect, start over, make resolutions, and work toward accomplishing new goals. For many of us, that means refocusing on better health. That often leads to busy gyms for the first few months of the year, then enthusiasm quickly wanes. Instead of starting a resolution you don’t intend to keep, take a look at starting 2019 with something different - regular chiropractic care! Here are just a few reasons why chiropractic is an excellent addition to your health regimen.