How Are You Doing with Work from Home?

We have all experienced major changes as we practice social distancing due to coronavirus. One of these changes is work from home and while you may have been doing this for months, have you checked in with how you're handling it? Going from an office to your living room is a big adjustment that can come with back and neck pain. Here are our tips to help prevent pain while working from home.

Set Up a Workstation

Your couch may be the most comfortable spot, but it’s probably not ideal as a workspace for an eight-hour workday. Just as you’ve set up proper ergonomics in your office, you need to apply the same practices at home. Make sure you have plenty of space to either sit or stand (or both!) at a table or desk. Your forearms should be parallel with the floor whether you are standing or sitting, and when you are sitting, your thighs should be parallel with the floor. Make sure your seat has plenty of support and if you need more lumbar support, a small rolled-up towel will do the trick. Keep your computer screen at eye level and remember to check in with your posture throughout the day.

Stand and Stretch

Some of us get so focused on our work that we forget to get up and move our bodies. To prevent that inactivity, set a timer at least once an hour to stand up and stretch your legs and back. This will help get your blood pumping and supply healing nutrients and fresh oxygen throughout the body. Not only will this help you feel better, but it can also help prevent injury.

Take a Brain Break

When you are in the office, you probably take a number of small breaks throughout the day without even realizing it. Whether it’s getting up to go to the restroom, filling up your water bottle, or chatting with a co-worker, it’s important to give your brain a break. When you work from home, this can be harder to do. Remember to take a breather every now and then to help manage stress. This is a great time to get in a few stretches like rolling your shoulders, ankles, and wrists.

Get Adjusted at Preferred Chiropractic

Just as we’ve adjusted to this new normal, your spine could probably benefit from an adjustment, too. Dr. Nathan Vanderloo and Dr. Shawnee Mangino use gentle, targeted, and effective adjustments to keep your spine in alignment and relieve pain to help your body function optimally. To schedule an appointment with your local Midland, MI chiropractor, just click here.