workplace ergonomics

The Importance of Workplace Ergonomics

You spend a lot of your time at work, so it’s important that you take care of yourself when you’re on the clock. Workplace ergonomics can ensure that you feel better and stay active after you clock out, promoting good habits like better posture and helping prevent pain.

Sitting All Day is a Pain in Your Back

Since computers have become essential in the workplace, the American population sits more now than ever. People are exhausted from busy schedules, long work hours, and stress, which makes them want to relax on the couch when they get home. As a result, lower back pain has become an epidemic. If you are experiencing lower back pain, your sedentary lifestyle may be the reason. If you are looking for a cure, be sure to learn why sitting at a desk all day causes low back pain.

Workplace Injuries and Chiropractic Care

With Labor Day just around the corner, we can’t help but think of all the patients we treat that come to us for relief from workplace injuries. You may not realize what an impact your job can have on your body. Even if it isn’t highly physical, there are many different kinds of injuries that can be sustained in the workplace. Here are some of the injuries you may face at work and how chiropractic can help you treat or avoid them altogether.

How Are You Doing with Work from Home?

We have all experienced major changes as we practice social distancing due to coronavirus. One of these changes is work from home and while you may have been doing this for months, have you checked in with how you're handling it? Going from an office to your living room is a big adjustment that can come with back and neck pain. Here are our tips to help prevent pain while working from home.

Time To Improve Your Work Space?

Millions of people spend a great portion of their day sitting at their desk job. That can lead to a number of negative side effects from strained eyes to a sore back. Why not make life a little bit easier (and make your body feel better) by improving your work space? Here are our tips to better the ergonomics in your office.