Why Posture is Important


If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times — sit up straight and don’t slouch! Social distancing has left many of us spending more time at home than we normally would, and that means more time on the couch, so practicing proper posture is more important than ever. After all, practicing good posture isn’t just about manners. It’s important to your overall health. Here’s why posture is so important.

Posture & Proper Alignment  

Proper alignment and balance just go together. In order to be properly balanced, your spine needs to be in proper alignment. Whether you are standing up or sitting down, your head should be looking ahead, your shoulders should be just slightly back, and your knees and hips should be straight. The chiropractors at Preferred Chiropractic regularly treat patients with forward head tilt and hunched shoulders. These ailments are often the result of constantly using computers and cell phones, which has only increased as the majority of people spend more time at home. With regular chiropractic adjustments, you can keep your neck and spine in proper alignment which will benefit your posture and ultimately your overall health and wellness.

Activity & Posture

You may have taken on at-home workouts during the pandemic, or you may find yourself feeling lazier than usual. If you fall into the latter category, remember that our bodies are designed to move and thrive with regular movement. In fact, without regular movement, the body begins to degenerate. Exercise, stretches, and regular chiropractic adjustment can help keep your body functioning optimally. You may be missing your favorite yoga class or spin session given the current situation, but there are many at-home exercises and free workout programs available online. For tips on how to stay active while maintaining social distancing, just ask during your next adjustment.


Another important part of proper posture is balance. Next time you stand up, take a moment and check in with your posture. Is one leg holding more weight than the other? Or is it evenly distributed? Are you standing with your legs crossed, which forces your hips to move out of balance? If you aren’t balancing your weight properly, your spine and muscles end up working overtime to compensate for the imbalance. Whether you are sitting or standing, pay attention to your posture and make sure that your pelvis is properly aligned. To help maintain alignment, come see us for an adjustment at your local Midland chiropractor.

The health of your spine is critical to your overall health and wellness and practicing great posture is an important part of that. To learn more about how you can promote a healthy spine, click here to request an appointment with us at Preferred Chiropractic.