How to Prevent Tech Neck

Thanks to our smartphones, tablets, and computers, we’re more connected to the world than ever. But technology doesn’t come without costs, and that can include taking a toll on your physical well-being. Not using proper posture or taking enough time away from the screen can cause you to experience the symptoms of tech neck, a condition linked to the use of technology. But if you take some steps, you can prevent tech neck and use your devices pain-free

How to Prevent Tech Neck

Use Proper Posture

Whether you’re using a handheld device or using monitors at your desk, the way you position yourself has a big impact on whether you’ll feel the symptoms of tech neck or not. Use proper posture as much as possible, and you’ll be able to more easily prevent tech neck from affecting you. 

If you’re texting or reading on your phone, it can feel natural to hold your phone down at around chest level and bend over to look at the screen. Do this as little as possible—you’re putting a lot of pressure on your neck and upper back. Try to hold your phone up at eye level as much as you can and keep your neck and back in alignment. 

To prevent tech neck at work, fashion an ergonomic workspace. That includes setting up your desk in such a way that you can sit with proper posture and get your work done comfortably. Doing this will help you avoid back pain from sitting all day. Other steps to take include making sure your chair offers enough lumbar support, upgrading to an ergonomic mouse and keyboard, and considering the benefits of a standing desk. 

Keep Track of Time

When you’re scrolling through social media or trying to make a big deadline, it’s easy to lose track of time. But if you want to avoid the painful symptoms of tech neck, you should be as diligent as possible with taking breaks and taking time away from screens altogether. Even if you’re in the zone at work, get up and move around about every hour or so. This keeps your muscles loose and helps you maintain good energy levels. It also helps prevent tech neck and associated issues like headaches. 

Being cognizant of screen time can be beneficial if you want to prevent tech neck. If you cap your smartphone usage manually or with the help of a time management app, you can stave off muscle soreness and headaches more easily. The benefits can go even further—for example, cutting back on screen time before bed makes it easier to get restful sleep, giving you more energy throughout your day.

Prevent Tech Neck with Preferred Chiropractic of Midland

Pain can really interfere with your spring plans, but Preferred Chiropractic of Midland is here to help. Whether you’re looking for relief from the symptoms of tech neck or could use some help with getting back in the gym, call us at (989) 837-5998 or schedule your next appointment online and come visit us in Midland, MI.