Health and Wellness

Healthy Holiday Eating Habits

There’s a lot to love about this wonderful time of year—and that includes all the delicious food. But if you’re trying to keep the momentum going with your diet plan or weight-loss program, this may feel like more of a downside. But if you follow these tips, you can keep your healthy eating habits going strong through the holiday season

Good Eating Habits for Kids

Instilling good eating habits in your kids today can set them up for a lifetime of better health. Showing them the benefits of a diet consisting of healthy, nutritious food now may be able to help them avoid issues like obesity and lower their risk of cardiovascular disease. And better still, eating well works off other good habits for growing kids like exercise and enjoying the benefits of pediatric chiropractic

Why Sunscreen Is Important

Are you planning on spending time outside this summer? Then you need to plan to have sunscreen handy. This summertime must-have is critical for preventing sunburns, keeping your skin healthy, and avoiding long-term health problems. If you know the recommended SPF to use and why it’s important to wear sunscreen on a regular basis, you can look forward to more fun in the sun and less pain and irritation. 

Helpful Tips for Better Sleep

One of the critical foundational elements of holistic health is consistently getting the rest your body needs. If you have trouble getting to sleep every night, you’ll have a harder time getting things done during the waking hours of the day. If you follow some tried and true tips for better sleep, including upgrading your setup with a new mattress and a water pillow, you’ll have less trouble getting the sleep you need to be at your best.

Reasons to Exercise Outdoors

Reasons to Exercise Outdoors

At long last, the weather is warming up and staying warm, and that means it’s a great time to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. If you’re trying to get motivated to work out and get back on track with your fitness goals, taking your workout outdoors is one of the very healthy habits for spring. There’s no shortage of reasons to exercise outdoors, and the benefits of doing it regularly are not to be ignored.

Ways to Get Ready for Spring

Spring is right around the corner, and while we’re all looking forward to sunnier days, that means there are some preparations to be made. We’re not necessarily just talking about rotating your wardrobe and making sure your lawnmower is ready to rock, either. There are some things you need to do to get ready for spring and the warm weather it brings.

Practice Self-Love in 2023

Valentine’s Day throws into focus the importance of demonstrating love and affection for the people who matter in your life. And while you probably don’t put yourself first as often as you should, you should be demonstrating love for yourself as often as anyone else. Show yourself kindness by considering some ways to practice self-love and you’ll enjoy better emotional health, more motivation, and a stronger sense of fulfillment.

Get More Energy with Chiropractic

You know that chiropractic care is a great way to get natural pain relief. But did you know that you can also get more energy from regular adjustments? With the help of chiropractic care, you’ll struggle less with getting energy in the morning, resulting in improved focus and motivation to carry you throughout the day.

Keeping Your New Year's Resolution?

2023 is off and running, and it’s a good time to pause and check in with yourself. Are you keeping up with your New Year’s resolution? If not, don’t fret—there’s plenty of time left on the calendar to get everything in order and make this the best year possible. If you’re having trouble because you’re struggling with self-empowerment, these tips for staying motivated can help give you the confidence you need.

Don't Forget to Drink Enough Water!

You’re well on your way with your resolutions for 2023, but you might be forgetting something. Exercising more, eating better, taking time for self-care—it’s all essential. But one of the most important things our bodies need is water. And if you don’t drink enough water every day, you could be hurting your progress with your health goals.

How to Kick Sugar Cravings This New Year

Who doesn’t love a nice piece of cake or a handful of candy? We love sugary foods because they manipulate our brain chemistry, sending us pleasure signals that make us want more. So reducing your sugar intake and adopting healthier eating habits is very much mind over matter. By following some helpful tips for how to kick sugar cravings in 2023, you’ll find yourself feeling better in so many ways.

How You Can Improve Your Gut Health

Not all bacteria are created equal. There are good bacteria that your body needs to stay healthy, especially when it comes to your stomach. If you’ve faced stomach problems or digestive issues of late, you may need to boost your microbiome—the collective name for the bacteria in your gut. Fortunately, there are several easy things you can do to improve your gut health.

Chiropractic Can Help During Cold Season

With Thanksgiving just days away and the holidays on the horizon, the last thing you need to deal with is the effects of cold season. Plummeting temperatures and indoor gatherings put you at greater risk of contracting the common cold, which can take you off your game at a critical time of the year. But with the help of chiropractic care, your immune system can be better prepared to keep you healthy and focused this winter.

Stop Overeating That Halloween Candy!

If you’ve ever been trick-or-treating, you know that feeling of sheer joy that comes when you upend your bag or bucket and spill out your candy haul on the table. Now that you’re older, you know that overindulging in Halloween candy can do more than give you a belly ache before bed. But if you struggle with sugar cravings, there are some steps you can take that will help you stop overeating.

Trick-or-Treat Tips for Parents

For all its thrills and chills, Halloween can be a magical time of the year for families. Getting the kids dressed up in their costumes—and, of course, dressing up yourself—and hitting the streets with buckets and bags in hand is a wonderful tradition for making memories. But above even having fun, Halloween safety should be a top priority. These trick-or-treat tips help you ensure that everyone stays safe—and that you avoid dealing with foot pain the next day.

The Health Benefits of Eating Pumpkin

Pumpkins are a symbol of autumn, but they’re excellent for so much more than making jack-o’-lanterns. These delightful gourds are a versatile superfood rich in essential nutrients and vitamins. Pair the health benefits of eating pumpkin with the fact that it can make some inspired, delicious dishes, and it’s clear that the pumpkin is one of the very finest fall vegetables.

Invest in Your Health for 2022

People generally think of investments in terms of their finances, but investments are not just a financial move. We encourage you to look carefully at how your time, talents, and treasures are being spent in this new year. In addition, learn how to invest in your health while improving your quality of life and living a healthy lifestyle.

Chiropractic and New Year Health Goals

A new year presents an opportunity to start with a clean slate and make meaningful changes to your life. Many people associate this time of year with starting over by creating new year goals for the coming year. A common goal many people share is to improve their health. Check out how chiropractic can boost your overall wellness and help you maintain your new year goals.