How Chiropractic Care can help with Automobile Accidents

How Chiropractic Care can help with Automobile Accidents

A car accident is the last thing anyone wants to deal with. Adding a car accident creates more stress and is an added strain on your life. This may force you to take time off of work, and may even make you unable to perform normal daily tasks. One of the biggest questions following a car accident is where and should I seek treatment?

Winter Slips and Falls

Winter Slips and Falls

There are three types of slip-and-fall injuries that commonly occur in winter conditions. The first is when your feet go out from under you, and you hit the ground bottom-first. This can cause low back injury, mid-back injury, and is particularly damaging when it occurs on stairs, due to the multiple angles of impact on your body. Problems resulting from this type of fall can include pelvic sprains or disc injuries, both of which can be treated with chiropractic.

Have Your Best Year Yet!

The New Year is an exciting time of year. We take the time to reflect, start over, make resolutions, and work toward accomplishing new goals. For many of us, that means refocusing on better health. That often leads to busy gyms for the first few months of the year, then enthusiasm quickly wanes. Instead of starting a resolution you don’t intend to keep, take a look at starting 2019 with something different - regular chiropractic care! Here are just a few reasons why chiropractic is an excellent addition to your health regimen.

Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday travels can be stressful, frustrating, and complicated. As if traveling isn’t already enough, add in that you’re doing it during the busiest time of year. If you are suffering from back pain, your travels will be particularly brutal. Back pain and traveling can put you in a negative frame of mind before you even arrive at your destination and interrupt your family fun. Here are our suggestions to avoid back pain this holiday season.

Improve Your Immune System!

A strong and healthy immune system is an integral part of achieving optimal health, but that can be hard to maintain with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. We’ve put together a few tips to help you get a properly functioning immune system so your body can fend off illness and make room for health.

Why teens should sit up straight

Why teens should sit up straight

Researchers had 15,092 adolescents complete questionnaires about their lifestyle and experience with back pain. Their sitting posture, body mass index (BMI), and back-muscle endurance were also measured. Researchers discovered that boys were much more likely than girls to slouch. Watching TV, having a higher BMI, and having lower self-efficacy also increased a teen’s likelihood of slouching.

Here's To A Healthy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is almost here! A time when we overindulge, watch football and parades, and spend much needed quality time with family and friends. While this time of year is something millions look forward to, some are less enthusiastic. It’s not that Thanksgiving isn’t enjoyable, it can just throw a huge wrench in your healthy habits. To get prepared for the Thanksgiving holiday, we’ve put together some tips to protect you from Turkey Day pitfalls.

Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Halloween is finally here, which means we’ll be carving pumpkins, watching scary movies, and trick-or-treating! Lots of people love the chilly nights and spooky atmosphere, along with delicious treats. What we don’t necessarily love is the way those treats make us feel or the negative health impacts they have. Weight gain is incredibly common at this time of year, and also incredibly frustrating. Take a look at our tips on how to enjoy a healthy Halloween this year.

Chiropractic Care and Fall Prevention

Falls are indicators of morbidity among the elderly with two-fifths of those aged 75 and above at a greater risk of falls. An article on Fall Prevention by Carol Marleigh shows that falls have been attributed to visual impairments, dizziness and diseases of the blood vessels. Chiropractic care can help! 





Slip and Fall? We're Here To Help!

We’ve all been there before…you’re simply walking along and BOOM! You slip and fall. Even the most coordinated of people suffer from slip and fall injuries, and it would be amazing if you found someone who hasn’t experienced a slip and fall at some point in their life. According to the CDC, more than one million Americans slip and fall each year. Though it is common, most people don’t realize how serious slip and fall accidents can be. 20%-30% of individuals that slip and fall will have moderate to severe injuries, which can include bruises, head injuries, and hip fractures. Here is some information on slip and fall accidents and how we can help.

Stretch & Strengthen!

An excellent way to be proactive in terms of maintaining balance in your body is by stretching and strengthening. If you are to maintain a strong and limber back, there are several exercises you can to do for your legs, core, and back. Focusing on stretching and strengthening those muscles will improve your spine’s support system. A strong spine reduces the risk of back pain and the complications that come along with it. Keep reading for our suggestions!

Stay Away From Sugar!

From the very moment you first tasted sugar, feel good endorphins flooded your brain and boosted your mood. As time goes on, it takes more sugar to replicate that feeling and without even knowing it, many of us are consuming the equivalent of 53 heaping teaspoons of white sugar every day! We want to help you live a happy and healthy life, and one way to do that is to reduce your sugar intake. Here are our tips.

Time To Improve Your Work Space?

Millions of people spend a great portion of their day sitting at their desk job. That can lead to a number of negative side effects from strained eyes to a sore back. Why not make life a little bit easier (and make your body feel better) by improving your work space? Here are our tips to better the ergonomics in your office. 

Back To School Tips!

As exciting as a new school year can be, it can also be stressful. Kids not only have to deal with first-day jitters, but their bodies are also put under added stress from the weight of their books and supplies. This often results in pain, either in the low back, shoulders, or even headaches. These factors can lead to poor health outcomes, and each of these stressors can negatively impact the nervous system. Here are our tips for keeping your child (and his or her spine) healthy as they go back to school.

Knee Pain and Chiropractic

Have you every experienced knee pain? If so, you know that even the most basic activity can feel nearly impossible. Whether you're bending down to pick up your bags from the store, climbing the stairs to your office, or just rolling out of bed, knee pain is a problem that has negative effects on your ability to accomplish your day-to-day activities. 

Headaches: Common But Not Normal

You're most likely experienced them before; they can be throbbing, dull, and even debilitating. Some occur on only one side of the head, whereas others are so severe they produce sound and light sensitivity or nausea. There is a commonly held belief that everybody suffers from headaches. While they may be common, they definitely aren't normal.